About Betsy

betsyI was born in Wisconsin and all my life have lived in areas near unspoiled nature with forests and rivers. Perhaps, because of this, I feel very strongly connected to nature. My spirit animal is the Red-tail hawk which is also called BlackHawk in that area of the world. I like to do any activity that is outside or having to do with Mother Earth, which includes walking, gardening or just meditating. I love all animals and like to be around them, I can easily communicate with them and know what they want. In the last five years, I lived in an intentional spiritual community in Spain. From this experience I learned a lot about myself and relating to others, as well as learning self-sufficiency, independent living, and about sustainable and ecological lifestyles. I am still interested in community and may decide to live in one again.

In August of 1999, I experienced a profound spiritual awakening and my life has never been the same since. Soon after this, I quit my job as a computer programmer and my full time job turned to working to become fully awakened, because I knew it was the most important thing I could do. I had been meditating daily for many years and doing other protocols including sungazing, AA 12 steps, tai-chi, yoga, fasting, alternative health cleansing, self-questioning, and working transpersonally to unpeel the layers of my personality. Over the years, I was gaining self-knowledge and receiving insights into the mystery of awareness and personality, always progressing and gradually taking steps. In November of 2005, after receiving an insight, it became clear to me that I needed more energy in order to raise my awareness as high as possible in order to take further steps. At this time, I lengthened my daily practice of meditative techniques and added in barefoot walks, transpersonal breathing, qigong and learned reiki and started giving myself treatments. As soon as I started reiki, my body responded to it, my momentary awareness heightened and the first signs of profound changes to my nervous system started. Then in January of 2006, I experienced a full kundalini awakening (click here to read testimonial) and activation, with dramatic changes starting to happen to my central nervous system. Since that day, it has never let up and I have been undergoing a physical transformation and complete healing of my body, including being healed of a congenital defect in my neck, skull and joints. The first three years were the most challenging thing I have ever experienced pushing me to limits beyond which I thought I could handle, on all levels including: self-sovereignty, mind, emotions and the physical body. To give an idea of what it’s been like to go through, the most similar thing I can think of is to undergo an intense physical therapy or rehabilitation of one’s entire body. That was then and this is now…  As of 2014, my kundalini transformation continues although these days it is like coasting downhill. Given the benefits I have received from it, I would happily go through it all again. These days I still meditate twice per day and give distance healing as my profession. I give a free distance healing as a group each Monday with no strings attached!

Mary E. (Betsy) Rabyor

You can contact me with the website form or by writing me using the following email address.