Kundalini Transformation: Can the Negative Symptoms of Kundalini Transformation be lessoned?



"Tools for Transformation"


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Can the Negative Symptoms of Kundalini Transformation be lessoned?

Question: “I would actually like to hear more stories from others as to how meditation and surrendering to the process has been of benefit to them. Has it helped lessen the negative effects or charismas?"

I found that the whole process is about total body surrender, and when surrendered then 'being takes over', which is the rush of energy felt and also that, which heals and creates the symptoms one notices.

I feel that a large part of this process is learning better to go to center, as the observer, to watch the transfiguration going on in the body. At first I felt it as painful and unwanted, or like negative symptoms, and I felt like a victim. Later when it got more painful, this pushed me even more to center to be able to take it. As I learned to do that, then I realized it was part of the process to learn how to surrender at will when needed. Then while in observing mode like this, I noticed that I knew there was pain in the body, but it was in the background, it was then like I could see the locus of pain at the point in the body, as a point of fire, of transformation. On one side I saw the energy rushing into the point of body being worked, then the pain felt at the point, and behind it pleasure with the new healed tissue behind it. I could see energy flowing away from that point being ‘healed’ and going down to the root, collecting, reforming and building energy in the pelvic bowl. I watched this process many 100's of hours. My conclusion was that pain was only experienced when I resisted ‘mentally or emotionally’ when I identified with the symptom as unwanted and negative. When I let go of that notion and went into quiet stillness, then there was no pain.

So with all this said, I don't think the question should be about lessoning symptoms, as symptoms are the signs one is being healed. The nature of personality and why it stays in place is because we don’t want to change. When we feel symptoms as annoying and negative, then it means we are resisting that which we feel as painful. All healing has this side effect of pain, as when tissues mend and reform; there is heat and reorganization. But as ‘practicing higher beings’, there is nothing that we are faced with which we don’t have the strength to confront. That it is happening now, means it is a challenge we are ready to. If we don’t want the symptoms and side effects of the bodily changes and healing process, then we are ‘having an emotional reaction’ and resisting our own healing process. This resistance is what is causing the pain. The majority of pain that is felt comes from resistance, and what we are resisting is self-change.

Rather we should change our attitude and welcome symptoms and see them as signs of healing and transformation. When we do that, then we can lesson our resistance to the kundalini transformation process, nurture it and our own growth along and learn to become a better observer - to learn to be comfortable in the no-mind state, which is our inherent destination. Now who doesn’t want that, to come into being?

If one has the attitude to not want the symptoms then one is resisting the process of metamorphosis itself. I also don't agree with medicating the symptoms because it’s the same thing as being resistant to the healing process and not learning how to go beyond one’s own resistance – which is what perceives as ‘unwanted pain’. To transform and heal, one has to welcome pain as friend to the process. There is no other way around it. By practice of relating to arising symptoms rather than escaping from them, one learns to go to center, as being and in quiet mind – which is the end-goal. So if one can see them as positive and as signs of healing, vs. something that needs to be avoided or eliminated, then the kundalini process will continue to progress. If one resists, then I expect it will take a whole lot longer.



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