Article: The New Human Body

"Betsy's Kundalini Activation & insight in regards to the Kundalini Transformation Process"


"Tools for Transformation"


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January 2006 - A letter to my friends

I hesitate to write this letter to my friends, but I feel strongly that I need to so I do it. If you don't know, 4 months ago I started learning Reiki and have been using it intensely to heal myself. In the last year I had been working strongly with my personality, working to go beyond it. I made much progress going through the emotions of my childhood and became closer to what you could call 'being', having many insights during this period. This also has been my intense work to go beyond my personality since I had a 'crown opening' or spiritual awakening experience around seven years ago.

4 months ago before I started Reiki I was doing Qigong, sungazing, forest awareness walks, transformational breathing, long meditations and using 'Power of Now' techniques all to increase my presence or momentary awareness. Doing this I became acutely aware of how often the internal dialog is there and also how difficult it was to control my main emotional charge of anger. This was perplexing given all the information I had about it and also given my high state of awareness given all the work. It became obvious to me that I had to increase my vibrational rate and so I was doing all those things to do this. It was near this time I discovered the power of Reiki, which is basically a technique to channel energy using the principle of entrainment. The first time I did this, I realized this was exactly what I needed to increase my vibrational rate. So I immediately dropped all the other activities and went into Reiki, often doing six hours a day. In this time period I also received distant Reiki healing from Don Beckett and his healing circle of volunteers. This gave me a great boost in my energy and I greatly appreciate their gift of healing. Insights started coming to me quickly as my own being grew stronger. These insights continued to help my transformation process. .

The thing that was interesting was that I had a 'frozen shoulder', from years of tension and anger and no reiki treatment that I did was doing anything for this. Then it 'came to me' to investigate energy meridians. I did this and using acupuncture charts I quickly found out more about the body and how it worked. I found out that my gallbladder meridian was basically the problem in my shoulder. (Later I found out that my liver was the big blockage and I did a fasting and liver cleanse to clear out hundreds of large stones. This was because my hip and shoulder joints above and below the liver were dislocated probably from birth, blocking the liver and gallbladder meridians. Also my way to express anger was to clench my shoulders and neck and this further blocked this meridian.)

I started working the meridians, all of them, to see what they would do. A problem developed quickly in that my gall bladder then went into attack. This was because I was clearing the meridian but there was no drain, no way for that which I was clearing out in the lymph and sinuses, etc to go. Then I was desperate to find the drain, how to get things moving. Experimenting with the meridians and points I found a way to activate my body and make it drain. This was very exciting. Shortly after this you could say 'being' started taking over. I was suddenly drawn to move my neck and shoulders and body in ways that I wasn't initiating. This became so intense that I left my community life, in that I closed the door and asked all not to disturb me. I was in my room for nearly 5 weeks, working from 10 to 15 hours a day with reiki and surrendering control of my body and allowing it to be moved by 'being', doing whatever was asked for me to do. I was led into excruciating pain going through my dislocated hip and shoulder joints, holding and twisting through them for long sessions. These 5 weeks were the hardest work I have ever done in my life. There were so many discoveries during this period and much tears, pain and also laughter, but I don't have the time to write them now, as I need to finish first what is going on. Now I come to the point of this letter.

From what I understand about it, becoming aware or enlightened means that one has to go beyond one's personality, but this simply is not possible with one's mind. It looks to me like it is only possible through the body. To become fully aware one has to completely heal one's body, unblocking every pathway through every joint and blocked part.

Comment: The following conclusions I made at the time I wrote this article, but since I have different ideas about what is going on. Some the same, but some different. I include it *here* for completeness. Later I will update this part with my new 'theories'.

I discovered in my own body that the personality exists as a tension cord of 'basically accumulated tension' that goes from one end of the body to the other, ending in the T1 joint of the neck. There are actually two cords, one for each side of the body. It is only by releasing this cord of tension, and then converting that held energy, that one transforms the old static form of personality into free awareness. Soon after this discovery, then I started my reiki yoga sessions, going endlessly around in stretches winding back and forth through my neck, spine, back and legs through all the tension paths in the body. I could release 'the cord' in one session, and then my energy would go up, but then the next day it would be back in tension. And so I found out that it couldn't be released until it moves up the spine. The first stretches cumulate the tension; gathering it, then pull it into the base of the spine - the tailbone, eventually activating it. Once this energy is in the tailbone, then it is sent up the spine to the head and then comes back down in healing or growing waves, which further one's physical healing. And so the endless stretches through the same twisted path through my body, eventually I realized what was happening, that my spinal cord was being restored to full flexibility.

The first thing that happens is that the tailbone starts twirling. This really surprised me to feel that twirling around; at first it was uncomfortable to sit. Now I am quite used to it. After the tension is moved up through the spine, eventually it gets past the T1 joint then moves on up into the base of the skull. It is somewhere around this point after the T1 tension is removed that your spinal cord in the neck area can now spin around. I can completely spin my head around through T1 without any tension at this time, rolling my head on my body in a big 360 circle. At this point of healing there is created a double helix of energy, with the twirling action on both ends on spine, to basically change how energy moves in your body. There is then a spiral of energy moving up and down your body from top of head to toes. It is also around this point that the entire nervous system of the spinal cord is 'remade', energetically with the double helix operation, this is a long process and one must sit bent over for around 8 hours while it is done. As the healing continues then (I guess) billions of new neuron energy points are made in the opened areas of the body, connecting them directly to the spinal cord. This continues to happen each times one clears another blockage. I suspect when this process is complete, then there will be a body without the old energy meridians. What I intuit is when the energy connections are finished, there will effectively be 'one brain', allowing spontaneous being without one's reflected of dual self, in short: the absence of thinking. I feel then there will be direct seeing, hearing, etc., without the filter of interpretation. Okay, so now you get the idea of what I'm going through.

For sure I take a risk writing this in that nearly everyone will think I've gone off the deep end. There is nobody to talk to about this and as far as I know, nobody has written anything about it. What comes to me is that this is the potential of humans (the coming age) and it is time that we take the next step and get our new bodies. I guess than only humans have the potential to grow another body or metamorphosis into the next one within the existing body, and this is our special potential that we are not realizing 'yet'. This was the big surprise for me; I had no idea that this was what humans would be asked to do. I can tell you that so far it has been very challenging for me to go through this transformation process. I hope that when this is over, by sharing my experience and what I've learned, that I can help others through this process so they can realize their full potential.

I have been taking many notes and from trial and error I have learned quite a bit about how to make it more effective. For sure being in this 'by myself' with no guide has been difficult and for sure it took me more effort to do this than it would for most people, simply because I had no knowledge about it. I realize that by doing this I have added to the 'collective consciousness' knowledge base without writing a word about it. So I know that it was important and will be helpful for others directly that might be going through the same even as I write this. I suspect I am not the only person facing this, that others are also being pushed to transform in the same way. That there is nothing about this makes it difficult to talk about, because most people will not believe it. This work has been not only emotionally hard, but also physically hard - I can only tell you that the growing hurts.

It seems nobody knew what the tailbone was for, but now it's obvious for me what it is for. I don't know at this time if it's always active, perhaps only for growth, maybe after it settles down. During these 5 weeks I have found out the source of trauma for my pain cord of tension in my body, when I came to the final position where the tension was released. This was quite intense emotionally and there were shed many tears. This was part of the release of all the old anger and tension. The other thing is that my body is being rebuilt energetically. It is like my current body is an egg and all is being rebuilt. This has been challenging my sanity; because I will do these long sessions, say sitting for 8 hours in intense burning pain while the nervous system in my arms was changed. Then when it's over there is nothing visibly to see. Every part of my body has been redone this way, and still there is no external evidence of any way I've been changed.

All these sessions have taught me quite a bit about pain and surrender. I have clearly seen that releasing pain gives pleasure - that is, if one sits at the center in surrendered mind (quiet mind mode), then the energy is transformed, taken from static structure of personality and changed into free form being. It becomes clear to me why 'no healing modality' will work to heal oneself in these prehistoric bodies. It is because it is basically designed in two parts, due to the structure of the brain with its two parts. The organization of our mind being split into two hemispheres is what gives us in our body and minds a split or duality. There is no way or technique we can apply that will allow us to ' go beyond the personality' with our current body design. The only way is to heal this body, and through this process our vibrational energy will raise, and this will allow the growing of the new body, which is waiting in the wings for all of us to realize it. This healing I speak of happens when one stays in the state of quiet mind. When mind is quiet, being takes over and does the changes - it's that simple and every second of totally quiet mind is enough, each one counts. It is interesting to note that it will be easy to see who is awake or not in the future, you only have to look to observe if they have the new body or not. It will be visible in how they move and react and speak and if they have the split in the face or not, (unequal face and body halves), which is indicative of the dual brain. This 'new reality' will erase all the mind games spiritual people play with intellectual dialogs regarding who is awake and who not by what they know. I'm sure many spiritual people sitting on high pedestals will not want to know about this.

I write this to you now because I feel the time for the unfolding draws near, although I've thought this for two weeks it now becomes quite powerful. The growing process is happening continuously and mostly all I want to do now is sleep while it goes on, where last week I was doing much stretching through the last parts of the neck near the base of the skull. In the last few days after that, the growing sensation started strong in my toes, and has been moving up my body slowly. Last night my skull was worked on with cracks happening and then the bones in my face were moving around. There was much work on the teeth and jaws today. Now my whole body is humming and waves of energy are moving around in all body parts. After the head then the spinal column is complete and then I presume the 'unfolding' into the new body will start from the bottom, at the tailbone. Okay, so that is said. I needed to tell my friends this - maybe this is the last letter you get from me.

Update March 14, 2005:

The work on my body continues and I am still doing around 10 hours of sessions per day. I am now entering the eighth week of this strong healing. The kundalini heat last week rose through my neck and into my skull, at first this felt suffocating it was so hot. Each night now there are night sweats and a growing/healing feeling all night long and I start to sleep long and deep while my body realizes (changes the tissues), in the opened pathways done through my daily stretching. The force of movement of healing is getting amazingly strong. I now find it difficult to stop the stretching, when I do then my fingers and toes can go numb, I suspect because the nerves are being worked on in the spine and skull. The building tension in the muscles is very difficult to take for too long and doesn't feel good to suppress. The cycle repeats going up through my body and all the joints eventually in the jaws, then up to the skull area. A change is made in the skull, then it the body changes after with a descending flow of stretching energy through body downwards, which burns and tingles when a pathway is changed. This change is then collected once again (the tension is released (muscles healed) and converted to available or free energy, by the lower spine at the tail bone and then sent up again, stretching to open a new pathway. Then the flow goes back up to the head and down again. So I see the cycle now and also have a pretty good idea where it’s. This week it is mainly working high in the skull, seemingly at the end points of tendons or nerves that connect to parts of the skeletal system below the neck. This can feel quite painful if I identify with it, yet I am easily able to sit in sustained stillness, disidentify to allow this healing and not experience it as pain. I sense these areas are related to repeated pathways of thinking over my lifetime and then connect to those areas in my body where there is lopsided-ness, unevenness, disease, tension, etc. I see clearly that one can't release these ends points in the skull unless one can suspend one's thinking totally. As soon as I 'get quiet in the mind', then the pulling sensation of stretching muscles and bones in the skull then releases tension on the ligaments and tendons and muscles. But it might take up for an hour for this to happen. .

Update April 4, 2006:

I now enter my 11th week of this transformation process and the intensity has not let up. What's different is that I've learned to accept this process and see clearly it can take some time. The intensity is still really strong, but I have found a way to manage it with more concentrated and focused sessions, leaving me sufficient time to lead a somewhat normal life. I also found various groups of people on the Internet that are familiar with much of the things I have described. It is known as a 'kundalini awakening'. I still am amazed today that this is happening and such a thing was waiting in the wings. I had no idea that something like this could happen to people. I want to do something to inform people about this, to bring this information into the mainstream of our knowledge base.

It appears to me that most of the work being done has the aim to align the skeleton in the body to perfect balance on both sides of the body. Thus the stretching is to lengthen short tendons and ligaments on the side of the body that has the most tension. This is probably the dominant side for most people (i.e., right handed people have tension on the right side, and also we are more likely to have physical problems, even accidents, on that side of our body). In the last three weeks there was stretching through my skull, jaws, neck and shoulder, endlessly, around and around, up and down. I wondered why this was taking so long and then looked up the cervical spine on an anatomy site on the Internet. I saw how complicated this part of the spine is with all the tendons, ligaments and nerves. Then I saw that this part of the spine is the interface from the brain to the physical body, in essence carrying out the thoughts and orders of the brain, down into the body. Thus, this is where all the links occur to move the message of thought and desire from the brain down into 'action' in the body. Then I could understand why this was taking so long in the neck, and overall it gave me a more realistic look at how long something like this could take. In the beginning when this started, I kept thinking, just open one more meridian, and then 'poof' I'll magically unfold like a flower. Obviously, it's not like that, as it still goes on... It's hard work (like an intense physical therapy) and I can see it will take quite some time to repair/remake everything that sits on top of the skeleton holding it in place (muscles, tendons, ligaments). Finally this week, the shoulder and neck starts to loosen and now there are many cracks as tendons and ligaments are being stretched and shifted around, mostly at the back of the neck and in the right shoulder, where the shoulder bone in back is loosening. It feels really good in the body when in spots where one had limited movement, due to tension building from repetitive use for all one's life, to finally feel a freedom never felt before in that body part. And so these small pleasures continue to give motivation to go on with this.

Update March 17, 2009:

I wrote this soon after the kundalini transformation process started, and for a long time kept believing it would finish soon. That became my big joke that it would finish soon. My wish, not to be fulfilled. I continued to work in sessions on average about 10 hours per day, since this started. It is only in the last month that I feel the hardest part is behind me, and I have reached a turning point. I am now able to go longer number of hours doing other things without having so much tension building up in the muscles and not feeling I have to do a spontaneous stretching session. It is really nice to be able to do other things, it was a long process. The transformation process continues, and many of my early conclusions I still believe are true, I feel it's about changing the brain and nervous system from left/right duality into one brain. The majority of work is all in the nervous system and happens via stretches through the tissues, which the stretch itself, is what is changing and opening the tissues and enhancing the nervous system. What is amazing is EVERY DAY, my vibration in the body has gotten stronger, going through so many phases, that I can't describe them here. Today, it's like the vibration is very very fine, like a very high frequency, and the tone in my ears is a fine sound of hearing the universe sound in outer space. Not like a single tone, and not really very high pitched, like a million crickets chirping, but now softly. I start to venture out and find out that my ability to help heal others is growing by leaps and bounds, as the very fine vibration seems to be like the upper end of the light spectrum, being like an x-ray or like a gamma ray - it can go through solid objects. This makes sense to me, that as body vibration increase we become more invisible - growing towards the source or the highest frequency possible -- I will write an article soon about it. The other thing to mention is physically I still do not look much different, it's like 99% of the work so far has been in the nervous system and skeletal corrections. I suspect that physical more cosmetic things will happen after all the nervous system changes are completed; yet there doesn't seem to be any dividing line -- all is being done together as one whole.

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