Article: Physical sound coming from central area of skull in surrender state


"Tools for Transformation"


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1) Regardless of whether Kundalini seemed involved or not, have you come across any cases involving a loud, *physically existing* sound-coming apparently from within the central head area-that occurs only upon transition from wake to sleep?

2) If so, how was that situation best treated?

I can only relate my own experience in regards to your question and my own interpretation of what I think it might be. What I learned is that the transition from awake to asleep is what is true surrender. We all know how to fall asleep, thus we all know how to surrender. What this means is that we surrender 'our little story maker' every night and when we are successful to shut up our mind then we fall asleep. I've meditated for years and it was only during the k. awakening process that I found out for sure what surrender was. So also because of the physical challenge of 'growing a new body' = breaking down the old body and making a new one from the old = metamorphosis, one must learn to surrender to be able to go on with the challenging physical changes. So to continue in this process, one must consciously learn how to go from awake to asleep, (actually one isn't either awake or asleep but rather in the middle). One will learn how to observe or watch one's own body 'sleeping', while changes are made to the body. Watching oneself sleeping is the same as withdrawing one's consciousness from one's mind. One has to be able to do this to allow changes to be made in the skull and in the brain. There are many tensions in the bones, ligaments, muscles and tendons existing in the human skull because of the nature of 'personality', which has been grown and chiseled into one's human form. The purpose of k. transformation is to 'remove the structure of personality' from the body, so that one can be in full awareness, no longer subject to losing consciousness when reactions of thinking, emotions and physical triggers take over.

Now back to your question. If you are noticing this kind of symptom when you are falling asleep then you might see that they are happening because of a very short 'window of opportunity' - this period of transition when you fall asleep is perhaps only a minute in length. Your system is using that little space to make the needed changes to the skull, in the moment that you have surrendered your mind. It doesn't happen in sleep, because this is another process in which you are not fully conscious. You need to be conscious, yet having let go of your thinking reactive cycle. learning how to stay conscious and watch yourself 'sleep' or what is 'true surrender' of the thinker. Then one can be in surrender for hours on end and one will learn to do it while sitting, standing, lying down, etc. Your growing energy and inner wisdom will teach you how to do each step.

In regards to the sound at the center of the skull, this is movement of the sphenoid bone. It has the unique characteristic to articulate with all the other cranial bones. It is the deepest skull bone, sits in the center above the pituitary gland and control centers of the brain. In K. awakening the Central nervous system is working to establish connections all over the body and being able to control the skull is paramount. The body reflects the head. But in adult humans, there is not much range of movement in the skull of the human with an embedded 'personality'. Habitual ways of being and expressing one's personality have chiseled one's features into the body, skull, face and posture, locking in fixed patterns of energy movement. To be fully awake all these have to be removed, and thus why so much stretching and bone popping. When the energy gets stronger through the growing process of K. awakening, it will eventually start to make changes in the skull. The first phase is loosening of all bones. Probably this is what is happening here, the beginning of it starts. What else can I say? It's a truly physical process, growing is challenging, all the skull bones have to first loosen and then crack apart. It is audibly loud; I have recorded it on video from 3 feet away. Hours and hours and hours of physical cracks in the neck, spine, skull bones, hip bones, sacrum, shoulders, etc. But with learning of the skill of watching oneself sleep (surrender), it is very possible to continue and go beyond one's personality. But also I know there is a lot of fear about losing one's personality, and this is the main obstacle for people to be able to go beyond it.

2) How is the situation best treated?



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