Communication Skills 103 “Each Watching brings its own watcher. – Pete S.” So much truth in a simple statement, yet it’s easy to overlook. I think that in these few words it shows why it is so difficult to have…
Communication Skills 103 “Each Watching brings its own watcher. – Pete S.” So much truth in a simple statement, yet it’s easy to overlook. I think that in these few words it shows why it is so difficult to have…
Communication Skills 102 The little prayer said in AA, is perhaps one of the best reminders about how we can change ourselves and keep it all in perspective: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,…
Communication Skills 101 I observed something today, which seemed quite mundane, mostly because the underlying truth has been repeated so often it is part of the common knowledge base. What I observed is that if I respond different then I…
I see that we are all One, but also that we are separate, existing as individuals on this planet, where each of us is an integral part, making up the Whole. As such, I see that each of us is…
A conflict happens when two parties don’t see things the same way. This is normal because as individual’s receiving our own interpretation of events coming out of our own individual histories, it is rare that we ever will come to…
I see that a dog is easy to please if you give it what it needs. The main thing they want from you is confirmation for their existence, which you can give to them simply by recognizing they are alive,…
Abundance at FalconBlanco At the time I lived in the FalconBlanco Intentional Community, the support system of the community was based on recycling, mainly of wooden pallets. This started long ago when BeiYin noticed that all over the island of…
“Our fate is our lot in life but our destiny is what we make of it.” - Anthony De Mello What is the vision of our heart? Is our vision of who we will be or what we can do…
“Gut Feelings”: A conversation between Betsy and BeiYin about Healing, Intuition, Awareness and Expectations Betsy: (re: letter to a company) I think it’s very good and convincing, only I would make 3 or 4 corrections in the edit. BeiYin: Ok, thanks.…
Alternative Therapy for Anxiety and Mental Health Concerns Anxiety is caused by overactive mind with tone of thoughts that are fearful and anxious. Whatever thoughts we think, generate feelings according to the undertone of the thoughts, then feelings make an…
Who Am I? It is a question I have been asking much lately. I’ve been thinking about all the hours I’ve spent in meditation and self-inquiry work over the last 14 years, and realize today that is how long it…
From my recent awakening, my view about what is going on in terms of humanity as a whole and the awakening process has expanded. I am quite certain we are at the point NOW where ‘many people awaken’ foreseen by…
Question: I think I am so afraid of how awful both I and others are! I don’t know if that’s a fear thing, an unworthy thing, I truly want faith in a loving universe again, I bought into the “struggle…
Enneagram: An Important tool for healing and spiritual ascension A main reason why we don’t heal or feel good is because we don’t have enough free energy in our system, to do the healing and lift our spirit. It is…
Reiki is an alternative therapy that has been used for many years. Many practitioners and patients report reiki as being effective, not only to relax and calm a person, but also to HEAL the underlying health problem itself, including cancer…
I have been giving people distant healings and in person energy healings for many years. When I give an energy healing to another person, I feel in my body where the energy is working in them. After I have given…
Quantum Entanglement Experiment with Distance Healing Quantum entanglement describes a quality where two molecules are entangled by being in communication or connected with each other. Then you can separate them to opposite ends of the universe and they are still…
Experience a Distance Healing for Free I recorded this distance healing with background of Native American Flute Music. Instructions: Just gaze at the video, there is nothing to do except to RELAX and be OPEN to receive the healing coming…
Universal Life Cycle In late 2011, a trio of scientists discovered that since the big bang happened, the universe is expanding at an increasing pace, not decreasing like previously thought! As long as the expansion is increasing in speed, all…
To have an effect on an object and heal it from a distance several abilities are required which require many hours of practice to develop strong skills. The more you practice the better you get at it. 1. The ability…
How to Give A Distance Healing Using Reiki The term psychokinesis (from the Greek, “psyche”, meaning mind, soul, heart, or breath; and “kinesis”, meaning motion; literally “movement from the mind”), also known as telekinesis (Greek, literally “distant-movement”), refers to the…
Recharging Batteries by Hand Using Your Own Energy I read on a quantum touch forum that you can recharge batteries using your hands with focus and concentration techniques using reiki or with quantum touch technique. (For details how to do…
Betsy’s Sungazing Articles Transition Going to Another World Comment to Going to Another World Battle of the Personality Sungazing and Goals Comment to BeiYin’s Post: ‘…and it’s all for Free!!!’ Relating to Sungazing Reactions Daily vs. Sporadic Sungazing Thinking of…
Betsy’s Sungazing Testimonial March 1, 2024 We (BeiYin, Betsy & Laura) started the sungazing today, 10 seconds starting today, then adding 5 seconds each day. I write it down here so I can remember how many by date. In 9…
I found out how to do sungazing due to the efforts of Shri Hira Ratan Manek (HRM) who has been working diligently to educate people about this practice. So far my practice has been very close to following the suggestions…
Holistic Pet Care Resources & Links Tanya’s Feline Care Holistic Cat Holistic Horse Merkt Vet. Manual If you happen to know of a good resource for holistic pet care please leave a comment and I will investigate the link for…
Herb & Medicinal Plants Resources Many plants have medicinal properties and can be used for healing, they are also good to eat! The following are websites with much information on plant identification, characteristics, habitats and medicinal uses. Please be careful…
Quote: “ And he did straiten them in the wilderness with his rod; for they hardened their hearts, even as ye have; and the Lord straitened them because of their iniquity. He sent fiery flying serpents among them; and after…
When I look at most therapies, I can’t help but see that many are still focused on treating the symptoms of disease rather than healing the cause. I feel that to truly cure disease we need to find out about…
I’ve been pondering this for quite some time and think we don’t understand our physical symptoms from our body because of how we feel about them. Most people consider their symptoms as a nuisance, undesired, unwanted and feel they cause…
“If you are in an unhappy situation you should move away from the situation.” This is the normal attitude behind the present healing paradigm spread across the planet. If something is ‘unpleasant’ then eliminate or suppress the symptom. Never is…
Definition: Passive aggressive behavior can occur when someone is angry at another person, but is restrained for some reason from openly expressing that anger. The anger is expressed in some hidden way, such as sabotaging the other person’s work. Dealing…
There are several levels of consciousness in human beings. As Eckhart Tolle calls them they are unconsciousness, consciousness and deep unconsciousness. Most people on the planet today are deeply unconscious. This means that they are never aware of their true…
Around six years ago I was at a point of complete despair, not feeling any reason to live, everything around me seemed like it was taken away. At this moment I surrendered completely and when I did, a different worldview…
Thunder: “I have a hard time establishing what my enneagram type is. I did one test earlier where I got 3, 7 and 9. This time the most likely types were 4, 6 and 8. I am not sure how…
Today, I know the importance of relating to and dealing with reactions that are happening inside of myself. If I don’t I can go into shadow boxing, like the knight in the image fighting in his mind with other people…
Empty Body Visualization is a Whole Body Relaxation & Healing Technique, also an Alternative Therapy for insomnia and help for falling asleep The following is a alternative therapy and self-healing tool which can be used for: sleep disorders, insomnia, difficulty…
How Can I Stay Calm and Not Emotionally React? Thunder wrote: I am beginning to think there might be something to these enneagrams. I was surprised when I read in your earlier post that the thing that drives us most…
An emotional reaction is a neurological response, which is generated in one’s body giving us information about the world we live in. When something happens then all the sensors in our body pick it up in various ways and this…
Alternative Therapy for Tourette Syndrome What is Tourette Syndrome (TS)? Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (Tourette Syndrome or TS) is a neurological disorder which becomes evident in early childhood or adolescence before the age of 18 years. Tourette syndrome is…
Alternative Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) & Asperger’s Disease I developed a reiki and acupressure technique which I have used for self-healing over a five year period, without negative side-effects and get great results in enhancing and repairing my…
Olive Oil & Epsom Salt Liver Cleanse Before doing this cleanse you should be sure your bowel is clean and your digestive system is working efficiently. This can be done with combination of eating healthy, colonics, enemas and fasting the…
How To do a Basic Enema Benefits of the Enema “Enemas can be beneficial in restoring healthy bowel regularity. This is why I believe enemas should be used every day for a year by those who have problems with a…
Jala Neti - Nose Cleaning, The Yoga Practice of Saline Nasal Irrigation What is it? Jala Neti, or nasal cleansing using warm salty water, is a very ancient technique which has been passed on for thousands of years by the…
The Healing Crisis has many names also known as: Cleansing Reaction, Detox Reaction and Herxheimer Reaction What is it? Also known as the “Herxheimer Reaction”, this reaction occurs when the body tries to eliminate toxins at a faster rate than…
Nearly everybody is addicted to something. We might think that those who are addicted to substances like alcohol, tobacco, street drugs, gambling or pharmaceuticals, as being more trapped than we are, but is this really the case? I am a…
Comment: It’s a good article (All is vibration), but I have one question, because I’m getting my head around it, and your article came by “coincidence” into my view. You said: “One can t really watch one’s thinking, because when…
Question: I had a very intense experience with a woman half way across the globe from where I live. It all happened in a magical way. I had published a short article on being still. A number of readers responded…
Question: Are Instincts the Best guide to follow? I think when you ask this question you are really asking is your ‘gut feeling’ your best guide to follow. For me a ‘gut feeling’ is not the same as the survival…
Question: “I observed that the phrase ‘changing the world’ is too general or an exaggeration; or it could be a product of a delusion of grandeur based on the illusion that once a person become a philosopher he has the…
All is vibration. All is alive. The spirit is the highest level of vibration. Being alive as a human, we have the capability to detect vibrations inside and outside of ourselves, due to our sensory apparatus, nervous system and brain.…
Why Is Internal Dialog So Persistent? (Part 4 of 4): The reason underlying my persistent internal dialog. I found out the answer to my question a few days ago. A friend of mine said he had some tapes, which covered…
Why Is Internal Dialog So Persistent? (Part 3 of 4): How to Resolve the dialog. I don’t think I was clear enough in my previous articles regarding this subject about what kind of reaction I am observing. To make it…
Why is Internal Dialog so Persistent (Part 2 of 4): Why do we engage in Internal Dialogs? There is no doubt for me that these internal dialogs are the arising of the ego. There is also no doubt for me that…
Why Is Internal Dialog So Persistent? (Part 1 of 4) If your meditation has brought you to the point of being aware of your thinking process, then probably you have also noticed the ‘internal dialogs’ that go on inside your…
Yesterday there were six of us sitting at the table and I suggested that we all pull a rune and have a reading. When I asked Michael what should be the question he said: “What is it that the Universe…
To me a spiritual path is a quest to find something better than what you feel you currently have. I believe people are driven along these lines to different degrees depending on their past experiences. Some are driven to such…
Comment: “I would like you to point out specifically where you think I was unduly harsh in my response.” Today I was walking in the forest with my dogs and I came across an elderly Ibicencan woman whom I know…
I think you missed my point because I don’t see it represented here… I was not saying that you can step outside of the stream of consciousness, I was saying one can step outside of the stream of our programming.…
How to Stop Pretending to Be Alive BeiYin: “Yes, one can learn to withdraw energy from emotional reactions, but reactions are a symptom for an underlying cause. It’s more effective & creative to change the root cause. Not by manipulation.…
“In my opinion, everything in the cosmic drama is perfect, going exactly as planned and there is no ‘problem’ other than our personal inability to see that everything is okay.” To attach the quality of ‘perfect’ to what is the…
The Result of 24 Hours of Intense Questioning: “Am I Crazy?” Since I last wrote, I have been questioning the possibility that the ‘I’ might still be hanging in there in a split way. The questioning went on for many…
The Mask of the Personality I see that most of us are politicians in that have a face or mask that we wear and then present to people in our daily lives. I’ve always known this but what I’m seeing…
Why do we watch other people? Today, Michael and I were nailing pallets together making a compost bin. I gave some very short nails to Michael to nail thin boards onto the pallets and gave a warning: “Be careful that…
Question: “Even though we know the benefits of Being Present, why do you think our attention is constantly pulled out of the Now and into the Mind?” From my observation it is because I’m not tired enough yet of the…
BeiYin: “Why are we strongly affected when we lose something we own, being that much identified with it? It’s because what had filled them up leaves now an empty space and so a lack of existence. This even happens with…
Question: “After having several reiki treatments, I had a kundalini awakening. I thought it felt great, and continued for the next year learning and practicing reiki. The Kundalini energy keeps getting stronger and I am wondering if it is wise…
Question: I am wondering how others have experienced, dealt with and resolved issues that have arisen with kundalini energies in the lower back and any pain and complications resulting from it. I have developed a very distinct knot of energy, tension…
Question:”The following exercise/activity has been occurring regularly for several weeks, perhaps even a few months. I get the urge/feeling to lie down and nothing happens for a few seconds. Then a specific pattern of breathing begins, where it seems to…
Comment: So even though I have had a lot of these awakening bursts, you think there’s a bigger one coming? My SE practitioner is very helpful but she cannot speak this language, and her goal is to minimize the kundalini…
Your Awakening Vision When you truly detach from your physical world you will awaken. Your true self will be revealed, a whole new world will open up before you and you will receive your vision in four parts, each of…
The Story of My First Step I had the normal life of most Americans, working to build career and family and obtain the American Dream with all the things one could ever need. The strange thing is once I had…
The Four Steps of Awakening There are four levels of energetic form that keep our individual identity intact. The first level is our body the physical form itself and being alive. The second level is our mind, with ability to…
Question: I read that if people have no enlightened teacher as a guide and if Kundalini energy awakened, the person without any guidance could die. That the body would deteriorate if energy trapped in chakras does not flow up to…
To understand kundalini awakening, a definition of Kundalini is needed. Kundalini refers to the life force energy that is contained in every cell of your body. An appropriate synonym for Kundalini is growing force. The growing force fills every space…
Kundalini awakening symptoms are produced all during our lifetime. How often they happen and the intensity of them is directly dependent upon our self-realization level. They get stronger and closer together the closer we are to full-blown kundalini awakening. Kundalini…
Instructions for Breath Meditation 1. Find a quiet place as free of distractions as possible, no telephones, computers or TV. Nature is great if you can do it there. 2. Sit or stand comfortably in a relaxed manner, then close…
Question: How can I activate kundalini? I am trying with breathing exercises now but I don’t feel anything. The exercise that I am doing is very simple: I inhale and try to feel how the energy is going up from…
Kundalini is widely misunderstood. When people first encounter the spiritual dimension of themselves, then they give mysterious names to things they encounter and don’t understand simply because they have no no language for it yet. As kundalini is used as…
Letting Go of Conscious Control of Body for Kundalini Transformation Anonymous : The way you describe things reminds me most of the way Noguchi describes what he simply called katsugen undou, or the ‘exercise that gives life’. The preparatory movements…
Comment: I initially thought that the spontaneous movements were not mentioned in Yoga, but they are mentioned and are called Kriyas. Betsy: Yoga is thought to have originated from spontaneous movements happening to long time meditators. In other words, the…
Last night on PBS I saw the NOVA episode called Ghost in Your Genes. It is about epigenetics and the current findings coming out of that research. From this show I discovered that the science of epigenetics is finding out…
Question: I recently began meditating more regularly. I definitely feel more energy moving during my meditation than ever before. I am having a lot of discomfort in my upper back, more than usual from an unidentified cause. My chiropractic adjustment…
Full-Blown Kundalini Awakening Pattern When the kundalini fully activates in the body, it will make nervous connections rapidly in the body connecting all main parts of the body together. The first thing to activate is the left leg, then the…
Question: “Lately I’ve been experiencing a sensation in the solar plexus region. I would describe the sensation as feeling like I have some air inside that is building a lot of pressure, which I feel constantly, the pressure also pushes…
I’ve been pondering this for quite some time and think we don’t understand what are healing symptoms from our body because of how we feel about them. Most people consider their healing symptoms as a nuisance, undesired, unwanted and feel…
Betsy: “Can’t we trust that we can be healed of all defects no matter what condition ails us, if only we surrender to the healer within?” Anonymous: For example, one who falls sick (even Buddha became sick and died) will…
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