Tag Archives: biological process of awakening

Who Am I?

Who Am I? It is a question I have been asking much lately. I’ve been thinking about all the hours I’ve spent in meditation and self-inquiry work over the last 14 years, and realize today that is how long it … Continue reading

Contemplation, meditation, personality, self-realization , , , , , , , ,

The Grand Illusion

The Grand Illusion In the beginning there was ONE creator, neither male nor female, who was pure energy and wanted to make other creators. From hir vast experience hir came up with an inspiration or unique idea how to do … Continue reading

Contemplation, kundalini transformation, meditation, metamorphosis, personality, self-realization , , , , , , , , ,

The Story of My First Awakening Step

The Story of My First Step I had the normal life of most Americans, working to build career and family and obtain the American Dream with all the things one could ever need. The strange thing is once I had … Continue reading

kundalini transformation, meditation, metamorphosis, self-realization , , , , , , ,

Every time I meditate, I feel ill. How can I continue?

Question: I started meditating at age 17, and at 18, I had an awakening. During it, I experienced a vision of a wall of darkness before me with the outline of a face pressing from within the wall and I … Continue reading

meditation, self-realization , , , ,

Kundalini Transformation Poem

Contemplation, kundalini transformation, spiritual poetry , , , , ,

Healing Happens When You Gain Energy

Healing and rising levels of awareness does not happen for the simple fact that we are using our energy for other purposes. There is plenty of energy in the body to heal oneself of any condition and to rise to … Continue reading

healing tools, self-healing, self-realization , , , , , , , ,

Why does Kundalini Energy Look like a Snake?

Question: “I have a question about Kundalini awakening. Why does it always look and move like a snake when seen clairvoyantly? Its length and width increases dramatically as awareness levels rise………its colour becomes shinier and the mark on the hood … Continue reading

kundalini transformation, metamorphosis, self-realization , , , , , , , ,

When Meditating & following breath, mind starts up, what is happening?

Question: “I’m new in meditation and this is what’s going on with me. When I follow my breathing and I am successful in not thinking, and am only observing the flow of breath - it’s that one moment when I … Continue reading

Contemplation, meditation, metamorphosis , , , , , , , ,

Using Reiki after Kundalini Awakening

Question: “After having several reiki treatments, I had a kundalini awakening. I thought it felt great, and continued for the next year learning and practicing reiki. The Kundalini energy keeps getting stronger and I am wondering if it is wise … Continue reading

kundalini transformation, self-healing , , , ,

The Four Dark Nights & Awakenings

The Four Dark Nights & Awakenings What is the Dark Night of the Soul? Dark night of the soul is a metaphor used in spiritual circles. The term describes a phase in one’s spiritual process, often marked by a sense … Continue reading

metamorphosis, self-realization , , , , , , ,