Blog Archives

Gut Feelings


“Gut Feelings”: A conversation between Betsy and BeiYin about Healing, Intuition, Awareness and Expectations Betsy: (re: letter to a company) I think it’s very good and convincing, only I would make 3 or 4 corrections in the edit. BeiYin: Ok, thanks.

Posted in Communication, Sustainability Tagged with: , , ,

Are Instincts the Best Guide to Follow?

Question: Are Instincts the Best guide to follow? I think when you ask this question you are really asking is your ‘gut feeling’ your best guide to follow. For me a ‘gut feeling’ is not the same as the survival

Posted in Self-realization Tagged with: , , , , , ,

Distance Healing

Betsy offers distant healing using Reiki for Pets & People for General Healing, Chakra Balancing, Shaktipat & Help with Kundalini Awakening. I give a free group healing each week on Monday.

Distance Healing by Betsy

Our Light Body

Betsy's kundalini awakening testimonial.

Our Light Body by Betsy