Changing our habits - Step by Step
In our community we seldom buy things
that we don't have and might feel we need. Rather, we are patient and
trust that what we need will come to us, even if it's not what we want!
For example, for many months we have not had toilet paper, and many of the
people that have come recently to the community are appalled that we don't
have it. When we suggest other possibilities, then what most do is give a
sour face and then the next thing they do is run to the store to buy some.
Not having toilet paper has caused my own perspective to change. At first
I was feeling that the community wasn't providing the basic necessities
and realize I was taking that personally and being apologetic. With
hindsight, I realize that this seemingly small and insignificant thing was
a turning point for me and has inspired me to write various articles on
this topic. I realize today how so many people in modern society are
dependent on buying products produced by large corporations. We are so
dependent upon buying things today, that we even have forgotten how to do,
what not so many years ago, we did ourselves. There is no doubt that the
cumulative consumption of all these products is destroying the planet and
along with it - us! When you look at only one item, such as toilet
paper and the cumulative resources it takes to produce it, then it's not
hard to project and realize the magnitude of the problem when you look at
all the consumer items we are buying today. I know how comfortable to our 'known
way' that we as humans can get and also how we are so resistant to change.
This goes across all levels, whether it's our relationships, job, diet,
living arrangement, material possessions, religious beliefs, politics,
etc. So probably many people think that buying toilet paper is a small
price to pay for such a luxury item. But do people really know how much it
takes in resources to manufacture what consumers demand globally? This
speaks also of the problem on a global scale, everybody knows about the
problems but people are NOT changing their habits, and the environmental
situation gets worse each passing day.
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