34 30: Update on Kundalini Transformation
Category: Self Awareness & Transformation
Posted by: ysteban
The Kundalini Transformation continued the whole month of July and August with tremendous energy. It is nice because even though the work is hard I can start to see what is being done and where I am at in this process. Given this new sight, then I know that it won't be long before the phase of completing the skeletal work will be done. Perhaps only a week more.
I realize now what Kriya's or spontaneous movements are. They are the symptom of your 'being' coming alive. As you progress down the path of kundalini transformation then the kriya movements become you slowly. It is very simple, you stretch into being as awareness. When you surrender your mind or your personality, then your 'being' takes over and moves you. The more you do this, the more you become being. Such a beautiful design, stretching into being alive. I see now that all the work I've done over the last 19 months has changed be significantly. Even though I look the same, what is being laid down in the tissues and nervous system is completely different. I guess when the skeletal work completes (this is the deepest tissue that carries the most energy), then from this high vibration base physical changes will start to become apparent. The only thing that makes sense to me is that I will be a totally new person and thus will look totally different that I did before. Time will tell, yet one can stay busy and mesmermized by the fantasies of possibilities.
The other thing I realize is that our body is one energy, our soul is one energy, but with the personality in place what happens is that our one energy gets fragmented into peices from the habitual responses of the personality. The Kundalini Awakening process which is done by stretching as kriyas, is stretching out all those fragmented areas of the personality. When a stretch clears a tight area of tissue, then this frees energy from the personality and returns it to being. Each day one gets stronger in vibration, each day one's personality is less, each day one's energy in the body is closer to one. It is totally amazing how this works and how much sense it makes.
I still feel so alone these days, there is nobody to talk with. Nobody who can believe me in what I am going through, the few I share with think I am crazy which is apparent in their comments, even though they don't state it direct. I've checked out the Internet looking for someone with similar experience, each week I look, still nobody around. Professionals of all fields arene't interested, even though I've volunteered to be studied. So what? Am I totally by myself with this? Will this happen to other people soon? I don' know.
The work today was so hard, I just wanted to pass out and die. It's difficult moving the large bones, the energy is so strong I just lie down and my body is moved all over the place, the feeling of being in heavy gravity and not able to escape from it at times. Strong waves of healing energy, pricly, burning, sweating, repeating over and over. Yet, strong waves of blissful energy, falling into oblivion, feeling like I can go to sleep forever. Craving the deep sweet embrace of tingly energy and a totally quiet mind. So I get both these days, extreme bliss and extreme pain. A kind of transition.
Is there anybody out there?
I am getting very bored with the Internet, there is nothing
that interests me with it these days.
I realize now what Kriya's or spontaneous movements are. They are the symptom of your 'being' coming alive. As you progress down the path of kundalini transformation then the kriya movements become you slowly. It is very simple, you stretch into being as awareness. When you surrender your mind or your personality, then your 'being' takes over and moves you. The more you do this, the more you become being. Such a beautiful design, stretching into being alive. I see now that all the work I've done over the last 19 months has changed be significantly. Even though I look the same, what is being laid down in the tissues and nervous system is completely different. I guess when the skeletal work completes (this is the deepest tissue that carries the most energy), then from this high vibration base physical changes will start to become apparent. The only thing that makes sense to me is that I will be a totally new person and thus will look totally different that I did before. Time will tell, yet one can stay busy and mesmermized by the fantasies of possibilities.
The other thing I realize is that our body is one energy, our soul is one energy, but with the personality in place what happens is that our one energy gets fragmented into peices from the habitual responses of the personality. The Kundalini Awakening process which is done by stretching as kriyas, is stretching out all those fragmented areas of the personality. When a stretch clears a tight area of tissue, then this frees energy from the personality and returns it to being. Each day one gets stronger in vibration, each day one's personality is less, each day one's energy in the body is closer to one. It is totally amazing how this works and how much sense it makes.
I still feel so alone these days, there is nobody to talk with. Nobody who can believe me in what I am going through, the few I share with think I am crazy which is apparent in their comments, even though they don't state it direct. I've checked out the Internet looking for someone with similar experience, each week I look, still nobody around. Professionals of all fields arene't interested, even though I've volunteered to be studied. So what? Am I totally by myself with this? Will this happen to other people soon? I don' know.
The work today was so hard, I just wanted to pass out and die. It's difficult moving the large bones, the energy is so strong I just lie down and my body is moved all over the place, the feeling of being in heavy gravity and not able to escape from it at times. Strong waves of healing energy, pricly, burning, sweating, repeating over and over. Yet, strong waves of blissful energy, falling into oblivion, feeling like I can go to sleep forever. Craving the deep sweet embrace of tingly energy and a totally quiet mind. So I get both these days, extreme bliss and extreme pain. A kind of transition.
Is there anybody out there?
I am getting very bored with the Internet, there is nothing
that interests me with it these days.
Joe wrote:
I feel for you. I've tried to explain the pheonomena that I've experienced and people's eyes just glaze over.
I sense that you've had a lot of emotional pain in your life and that this drives you on.
I'm must say that you worry me a little in the relentlessness of your siritual/psychic work. People have gone mad doing this stuff.
I beleive you desperately need some play and social contact. This otherworldliness needs to be balanced with some earthly silliness of some kind, and some company. Watch the Simpsons, go dancing, something. Just my thoughts Betty. Take care dear lady.