54 24: comment about Removing blockages
Category: Self Awareness & Transformation
Posted by: ysteban
Anon: A friend of mine told me that he had heard that the types
of spontaneous movement that occur during meditation can often
be linked to the locations where blockages are occurring.
Might one ask what is a blockage and then perhaps how many one
might have in one's body? The personality - YOU - are the blockage
and it's manifest all over your body. When Kriyas happen they are the
beginning of you as being starting to reclaim yourself, it is the sign of
you coming alive and starting to remove your blockages. This
won't happen until you have removed the blockages of being
identified with your mind and emotions, as you won't have enough
free energy until you overcome these hurdles.
The blockage of personality living in your body as you, has formed static
areas all over - as your character - and prevents you from being
one energy. As a human personality you are dual, split in brain and
split in the spinal column. To complete to full awareness you will
need to stretch out all the kinks, rebuild the spinal column, loosen
all the bones and combine all your energy as one. When done you
will have one brain, one body, one physical energy, the meridians
will be gone, as all will be connected in every direction - you will
be physically a new person, in essence: reborn, but it happens in
It will take many 1000's of hours of stretching kriyas (physical
surrender) to break down the old you (remove your blockages)
and use it as fuel to build the new you.
But people don't want to know about this.
of spontaneous movement that occur during meditation can often
be linked to the locations where blockages are occurring.
Might one ask what is a blockage and then perhaps how many one
might have in one's body? The personality - YOU - are the blockage
and it's manifest all over your body. When Kriyas happen they are the
beginning of you as being starting to reclaim yourself, it is the sign of
you coming alive and starting to remove your blockages. This
won't happen until you have removed the blockages of being
identified with your mind and emotions, as you won't have enough
free energy until you overcome these hurdles.
The blockage of personality living in your body as you, has formed static
areas all over - as your character - and prevents you from being
one energy. As a human personality you are dual, split in brain and
split in the spinal column. To complete to full awareness you will
need to stretch out all the kinks, rebuild the spinal column, loosen
all the bones and combine all your energy as one. When done you
will have one brain, one body, one physical energy, the meridians
will be gone, as all will be connected in every direction - you will
be physically a new person, in essence: reborn, but it happens in
It will take many 1000's of hours of stretching kriyas (physical
surrender) to break down the old you (remove your blockages)
and use it as fuel to build the new you.
But people don't want to know about this.