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Epigenetics & Spirituality

Last night on PBS I saw the NOVA episode called Ghost in Your Genes. It is about epigenetics and the current findings coming out of that research. From this show I discovered that the science of epigenetics is finding out

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Posted in General Healing, Healing, Kundalini Awakening

Quicken Touch Healing Method

Quicken Touch(Tm) - Healing Method using Reiki & Acupressure The trick needed for self-healing is to increase our energy level which can be difficult if we already have serious health problems. As we age, blocks build up in the body

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Posted in Energy healing, General Healing, Healing, Healing of Body, Healing of Emotions, Healing of Mind, Transformation Tools

What are healing symptoms?

I’ve been pondering this for quite some time and think we don’t understand what are healing symptoms from our body because of how we feel about them. Most people consider their healing symptoms as a nuisance, undesired, unwanted and feel

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Posted in General Healing, Healing, Healing of Body

Is there a limit to our capacity for self-healing?

Betsy: “Can’t we trust that we can be healed of all defects no matter what condition ails us, if only we surrender to the healer within?” Anonymous: For example, one who falls sick (even Buddha became sick and died) will

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Posted in General Healing, Healing, Kundalini Awakening

Independence from Authorities

  BeiYin: “Better stay with your ‘personality’, play as many games around yourself as you need to feel confirmed, but better don’t make a split, otherwise you are on the best way to the mental hospital and before this you

Posted in General Healing, Healing

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    Distance Healing by Betsy

    Betsy offers distant healing using Reiki for Pets & People for General Healing, Chakra Balancing, Shaktipat & Help with Kundalini Awakening. I give a free group healing each week on Monday.

    Distance Healing by Betsy

    Our Light Body

    The core of Our Light Body is Mary’s journal for the first year of kundalini transformation with notes, poetry, insights, visions and dreams. The book has chapters on the personality, higher-self, steps of spiritual awakening, dark nights of the soul, DNA activation, kundalini, human metamorphosis and evolution.