Crying is Healing Where does deep emotional pain come from? While we were growing in the womb, we were pretty much protected from the changing world outside us, mostly all of our needs were taken care of and we were…
Alternative Therapy for Anxiety and Mental Health Concerns Anxiety is caused by overactive mind with tone of thoughts that are fearful and anxious. Whatever thoughts we think, generate feelings according to the undertone of the thoughts, then feelings make an…
From my recent awakening, my view about what is going on in terms of humanity as a whole and the awakening process has expanded. I am quite certain we are at the point NOW where ‘many people awaken’ foreseen by…
Enneagram: An Import tool for healing and spiritual ascension A main reason why we don’t heal or feel good is because we don’t have enough free energy in our system, to do the healing and lift our spirit. It is…
When I look at most therapies, I can’t help but see that many are still focused on treating the symptoms of disease rather than healing the cause. I feel that to truly cure disease we need to find out about…
“If you are in an unhappy situation you should move away from the situation.” This is the normal attitude behind the present healing paradigm spread across the planet. If something is ‘unpleasant’ then eliminate or suppress the symptom. Never is…
Definition: Passive aggressive behavior can occur when someone is angry at another person, but is restrained for some reason from openly expressing that anger. The anger is expressed in some hidden way, such as sabotaging the other person’s work. Dealing…
There are several levels of consciousness in human beings. As Eckhart Tolle calls them they are unconsciousness, consciousness and deep unconsciousness. Most people on the planet today are deeply unconscious. This means that they are never aware of their true…
Around six years ago I was at a point of complete despair, not feeling any reason to live, everything around me seemed like it was taken away. At this moment I surrendered completely and when I did, a different worldview…
Thunder: “I have a hard time establishing what my enneagram type is. I did one test earlier where I got 3, 7 and 9. This time the most likely types were 4, 6 and 8. I am not sure how…
Today, I know the importance of relating to and dealing with reactions that are happening inside of myself. If I don’t I can go into shadow boxing, like the knight in the image fighting in his mind with other people…
How Can I Stay Calm and Not Emotionally React? Thunder wrote: I am beginning to think there might be something to these enneagrams. I was surprised when I read in your earlier post that the thing that drives us most…
An emotional reaction is a neurological response, which is generated in one’s body giving us information about the world we live in. When something happens then all the sensors in our body pick it up in various ways and this…
Nearly everybody is addicted to something. We might think that those who are addicted to substances like alcohol, tobacco, street drugs, gambling or pharmaceuticals, as being more trapped than we are, but is this really the case? I am a…
Quicken Touch(Tm) - Healing Method using Reiki & Acupressure The trick needed for self-healing is to increase our energy level which can be difficult if we already have serious health problems. As we age, blocks build up in the body…
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