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What is Kundalini Awakening?

To understand kundalini awakening, a definition of Kundalini is needed. Kundalini refers to the life force energy that is contained in every cell of your body. An appropriate synonym for Kundalini is growing force. The growing force fills every space

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Kundalini Awakening Symptoms

Kundalini awakening symptoms are produced all during our lifetime. How often they happen and the intensity of them is directly dependent upon our self-realization level. They get stronger and closer together the closer we are to full-blown kundalini awakening. Kundalini

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How Can I Activate Kundalini?

Question: How can I activate kundalini? I am trying with breathing exercises now but I don’t feel anything. The exercise that I am doing is very simple: I inhale and try to feel how the energy is going up from

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Can Kundalini Give Super Powers?

Kundalini is widely misunderstood. When people first encounter the spiritual dimension of themselves, then they give mysterious names to things they encounter and don’t understand simply because they have no no language for it yet. As kundalini is used as

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Moving as Being

Moving as Being Standing Meditation: Letting Go Conscious Control of the Body I recommend doing this meditation after spiritual awakening as it allows you to practice ‘moving as being’, or letting go of moving yourself using voluntary control of your

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Posted in Kundalini Awakening, Meditation, Transformation Tools

Letting Go of Conscious Control of Body

Letting Go of Conscious Control of Body for Kundalini Transformation Anonymous : The way you describe things reminds me most of the way Noguchi describes what he simply called katsugen undou, or the ‘exercise that gives life’. The preparatory movements

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Can Kundalini Symptoms Be Lessened?

I found that kundalini transformation is about total surrender of mind and body. When fully surrendered our higher-self or being takes over, which is experienced as a rush of energy and also is that which creates the symptoms we experience

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Posted in Kundalini Awakening

Spontaneous Movements (Kriyas) & Meditation

Comment: I initially thought that the spontaneous movements were not mentioned in Yoga, but they are mentioned and are called Kriyas. Betsy: Yoga is thought to have originated from spontaneous movements happening to long time meditators. In other words, the

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Posted in Kundalini Awakening

Epigenetics & Spirituality

Last night on PBS I saw the NOVA episode called Ghost in Your Genes. It is about epigenetics and the current findings coming out of that research. From this show I discovered that the science of epigenetics is finding out

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Posted in General Healing, Healing, Kundalini Awakening

Body Pain When Meditating

Question: I recently began meditating more regularly. I definitely feel more energy moving during my meditation than ever before. I am having a lot of discomfort in my upper back, more than usual from an unidentified cause. My chiropractic adjustment

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Posted in Kundalini Awakening

What are Kriyas?

What are Kriyas? Most of the definitions describing Kriyas are lacking. A kriya is a spontaneous body movement. It has often happened to long-time meditators as a kind of yoga-like spontaneous movement. It is spontaneous because it is involuntary, meaning

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Posted in Kundalini Awakening

Stages of Kundalini Awakening

Full-Blown Kundalini Awakening Pattern When the kundalini fully activates in the body, it will make nervous connections rapidly in the body connecting all main parts of the body together. The first thing to activate is the left leg, then the

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Posted in Kundalini Awakening

Loud crunching sounds in head

Question: Regardless of whether Kundalini seemed involved or not, have you come across any cases involving a loud *physically existing* sound-coming apparently from within the central head area that occurs only upon transition from wake to sleep? If so, how

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Posted in Kundalini Awakening

Kundalini pressure in stomach & chest

Question: “Lately I’ve been experiencing a sensation in the solar plexus region. I would describe the sensation as feeling like I have some air inside that is building a lot of pressure, which I feel constantly, the pressure also pushes

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Posted in Kundalini Awakening

All is vibration

All is vibration. All is alive. The spirit is the highest level of vibration. Being alive as a human, we have the capability to detect vibrations inside and outside of ourselves, due to our sensory apparatus, nervous system and brain.

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Posted in Kundalini Awakening

What causes genetic mutation in a species?

What causes genetic mutation in a species? I was searching the Internet trying to find out what causes genetic mutation in species and could not find anything definitive. I had an insight about it the other day, that the change

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Kundalini transformation dissolves the personailty

The sense I get from this kundalini transformation process is that it is a dissolving of the personality. All the characteristics which make us individuals and anyone can see in us, such as our unique facial expressions, body postures, hand

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Is there a limit to our capacity for self-healing?

Betsy: “Can’t we trust that we can be healed of all defects no matter what condition ails us, if only we surrender to the healer within?” Anonymous: For example, one who falls sick (even Buddha became sick and died) will

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Posted in General Healing, Healing, Kundalini Awakening

Kundalini Activation Technique with Chakras & Reiki

Kundalini Activation Technique using Reiki & Audio on Chakras I have assembled these instructions for those wishing to activate their kundalini and reach higher level of self-realization. It is a very simple technique, complete instructions are here and it is

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Posted in Energy healing, Kundalini Awakening, Transformation Tools

The Four Dark Nights & Four Awakenings

The Four Dark Nights & Awakenings What is the Dark Night of the Soul? Dark night of the soul is a metaphor used in spiritual circles. The term describes a phase in one’s spiritual process, often marked by a sense

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Posted in Kundalini Awakening, Self-realization

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    Distance Healing by Betsy

    Betsy offers distant healing using Reiki for Pets & People for General Healing, Chakra Balancing, Shaktipat & Help with Kundalini Awakening. I give a free group healing each week on Monday.

    Distance Healing by Betsy

    Our Light Body

    The core of Our Light Body is Mary’s journal for the first year of kundalini transformation with notes, poetry, insights, visions and dreams. The book has chapters on the personality, higher-self, steps of spiritual awakening, dark nights of the soul, DNA activation, kundalini, human metamorphosis and evolution.