Kundalini Activation Technique using Reiki & Audio on Chakras
I have assembled these instructions for those wishing to activate their kundalini and reach higher level of self-realization. It is a very simple technique, complete instructions are here and it is totally free. If you do this once per day, for sure you will get a result.
The article contains complete instructions on how to empower yourself with reiki and how to give yourself a chakra healing using a chakra activation audio which makes the chakra reiki healing much stronger.
Reiki Symbols from left to right:
- Cho Ku Rei (show koo u ray), activates Root chakra
- Se Hei Ki (say hay ee key), activates Heart chakra
- Hon Sha Za Sho Nen (hone sha-ha zay-ay show-oh nen), activates Crown & higher chakras
- Dai Ko Myo (die ko-oh my-oh), activates source or soul energy
Empower yourself with Reiki (5-10 minutes)
You can do this simply by visualizing a symbol and having positive intention that you will be able to resonate with it. Then stand and sing the syllables of the symbol, according to the phrases in parentheses above, singing the sounds from your diaphragm with a full voice. Intone them in the order listed above from 1 to 4. As you intone and visualize each one, put your focus on corresponding chakra and feel vibration increasing there. For the last symbol, stand straight and dangle your arms by your sides to be in natural position and simply visualize your body and mind filling with a white light.
After you do all four then press your palms together and ask that universal life force energy (reiki) flow out of your palms. Now put your focus on feeling the vibration between your palms. Do this for about 5 minutes. With this procedure you have given yourself reiki empowerment and now you are energized and ready to give yourself a reiki healing.
Chakra Activation with Audio and Reiki
You can download this audio for free and burn to CD or DVD for convenience while doing the healing. Click on YouTube button to get download link.
You are going to energize each chakra in turn starting with the lowest chakra in the root and moving up to the crown while listening to the audio. The audio is split into seven sections, one for each chakra and plays tones that resonate with the frequency of each chakra. Listening to these tones combined with applying reiki physically to the chakra, increase the activation of each chakra. To do the reiki part, place your palms on the chakra in a comfortable position and simply focus on feeling the energy vibration moving between your palms and the chakra. Keep your focus on the *interface* between your palms and your body, feeling the vibration move back and forth between your hands and body, like a pulse or a breathing. Mentally trying to assist to activate a chakra by visualizing it or trying to make it spin is counterproductive, you will get the best result simply by FEELING the vibration not trying to do anything yourself. This is because when you simply stay focused on feeling sensation, your mind will be quiet and the entire nervous system in body and mind can more strongly activate. Do the healing as a meditation, whenever you notice you are thinking or trying to do something, use this as a reminder to put your focus back on simply feeling the energy moving between your palms and the chakra. It can also be helpful to quiet the mind-chatter by simply sinking into listening to the audio.
Chakra Healing Session (70 minutes)
Lay down on your back then start the above audio, best listened to with stereo headphones. Start by placing your palms on your root chakra (over perineum) until you hear change in tone in audio which will happen every 10 minutes. When you hear the change in tone then move your palms up to the next chakra in this order: sacral (lower abdomen), solar plexus (by belly button), heart (sternum), throat (by U shape between collarbones at base of neck), 3rd Eye (forehead) and finally crown (top of head). You do not have to keep track of how much time has gone by or when to switch hands to the next chakra as the change in tone will be very distinctive. Simply keep your focus on feeling the vibration that *is already there* which is moving between your hands and your chakra. Whenever you notice you have fallen back into thinking habit, simply put your focus back onto feeling the vibration there.
After you are done you can simply relax a few minutes to allow the risen vibration energy to integrate and move where it will in your body. It is good to drink a glass of water after this healing and don’t get up too quickly, you might be dizzy for a few minutes. To get a change in awareness you can clearly detect you should do this every day for 21 days in a row. The more you do it, the more your vibration will increase.
I would love to get your feedback from using this method to discover what results you are getting and if it is effective to activate your kundalini.
March 15, 2024
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