Kundalini Symptoms in Non-awakened Person Prior to awakening, the personality is a heavy weight to carry. Much of the focus of our life is put into animation of the personality. This creates an imbalance towards our physical versus our spiritual self and starts to cause problems. Prior to this point, we still had a spark of life, felt intuitive and our mind and health were robust. As we go on with our life with our focus in our mind-made self, , the personality keeps gaining more energy and eventually starts to become top-heavy and starts to cause physical and mental problems. Even though this sounds negative, it is not, it is kundalini working inside us. Before we can spiritually awaken, we have to wear out our satisfaction with being identified with our materialistic self.
- Life is dull and seems not to be worth living
- Lack of intuition
- Disconnection with spirituality
- Nightmares
- Repeating Dreams
- Mental health issues
- Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Rashes, Pimples
- Changes in diet
Kundalini Symptoms Preceding Spiritual Awakening
In the previous stage, you are concerned about all the stuff that is coming to the surface so you start to find out ways to cure the problems that are arising. You have turned your attention away from outer world somewhat and are now paying more attention to your inner self. Energy is working in your mind to clear aspects about how you see yourself and how you see the world. In short, your eyes are opening as your mind quiets down and when you look outside you discover that everything is conscious.
- Visions
- Vivid Dreams
- Synchronistic Events
- Insights
- Changes in beliefs
- Self-Questioning
- Interest in Transpersonal Therapy
- Change in worldly perspective
- Volunteerism
- Seeking information about Spirituality
- Self-healing
- Change in diet towards healthier diet
- Sporadic Nervous system reactions: tingling, brain flashes, tones
- Establishing daily spiritual routine
- Key insight: Everything is conscious
Kundalini Symptoms in Spiritual Awakening or Crown Opening
In the previous stage, many of the health problems have cleared, your mind is sharper, your awareness level is higher and with your spiritual practice you have learned how to quiet the mind at times and your vibration continues to get stronger. You experience more kundalini symptoms and closer together, until the event where a huge amount of energy is released from the base of the spine and goes up to the crown chakra into the mind. This is the spiritual awakening or opening of your eyes and is known as the Crown opening. You experience a barrage of kundalini-related symptoms over the course of a few weeks, which will slowly fade. Sudden rise in energy
- Expanded perception & sensory abilities
- See vivid colors in nature
- Sensation of time standing still in moments
- Seeing reality as interconnected objects
- 3D view of world, as if it is a movie
- See cause and effect in nature
- Flooding in of insights and spiritual information
- Rushes of energy
- Flashes of light
- Healing symptoms
- Visions & vivid dreams
- Memories of past lives
- Receive information for your life purpose and earth lesson
- Kriyas (spontaneous body movements)
- Barrage of nervous system reactions: tingling, numbness, itching
- Strong sexual energy
- Strong emotions, both laughing and crying
- Dropping old friends, finding new friends
- Change of career
- Ability to be fully aware and present in moments
- Key insight: I am not my mind, I am the source behind my mind
Kundalini Symptoms just before Full-Blown Kundalini Awakening
As your vibration increases, more profound changes start happening to your body and mind. Kundalini symptoms happen more often and get stronger. It is normal to have a feeling of falling asleep while in your meditation. If you allow yourself to fall into this sleepy void, then your meditation goes deeper. If your meditative state is not deepening, you are probably at an earlier stage of spiritual awakening and it is unlikely the full-blown kundalini transformation is near to triggering.
- Deepening state of quiet mind, sustained quiet mind for 45 minutes
- Sensation of time standing still for duration of meditation session
- Feeling no boundaries of body while in deep meditation
- Feeling of falling asleep in mediation
- Strong physical healing reactions, with pain or cramping
- Muscle twitches in body
- Profound emotional cleansing
- Laughing & Crying
- Sporadic Kriya movements, often while in mediation
- Stronger longer nervous system reactions: tingling, numbness, brain flashes
- Vivid Dreams
- Feeling of elation and sensation of bliss
- Quivering lips
- Chakra activation
- Sensitivity to feeling energy
- Out of body experiences
- Encounter with spiritual entities
- Key insight: I am not vibration, I am the source behind the vibration
Kundalini Symptoms with Full-Blown Kundalini Awakening
When the full-blown kundalini awakening is triggered, it will happen very suddenly. The main symptom is feeling an electrical energy moving along the meridian paths in the body, connecting one to the next one in a sequence, which cannot be missed. This is the first rewiring or lying down of the new nervous system mapping which is now going to be grown in the body. After this, the next thing that happens is like a reprogramming of the entire nervous system that is felt as numbness in various body parts, which lasts around one week. Numbness, stinging prickles and spontaneous body movements are non-stop in the first days. The main thing different in this phase is many of the following symptoms are experienced each day and they do not fade away. The symptoms continue daily until the new light body has completed growing, which takes at least seven years to complete.
- Easily sustain quiet mind for long interval
- Sudden activation and connection of meridians in body with buzzing feeling
- Sensing patterns of energy working in the body
- Formation of vortices in body
- Whole body numbness giving sensation you cannot move
- Numbness moving up body in sections with stinging prickles
- Spontaneous body movements (kriyas) are frequent
- Cramping and pain in body muscles
- Constant tone heard in ears
- Images seen in 3rd eye
- Vivid dreams
- Cleansing dreams, cleansing of past life’s, reliving birth experiences
- Huge emotional cleansing
- Crying & Laughing
- Freezing cold, wind, rushes of energy
- Hot Flashes
- Whole Body Sweats
- Increasing physical body vibration
- Elastization of body’s muscles
- Feeling of drops of liquid moving through body
- Pulsing in root and crown chakras
- Spontaneous orgasms
- Continuous amplified senses
- Altered states of consciousness
- Shaking and shiver episodes
- Skull Pressure
- Insects crawling on skin sensation
- Out of Body experiences
- Meeting spiritual beings
- Loss of all sensation
- Organ cleansing
- Electric shocks
- Popping and cracking of bones and ligaments
- Key Insight: All is Transformation
Warning: Kundalini symptoms are mainly produced due to changes in the nervous system which includes the mind. It is possible to have a neurological condition not at all related to kundalini awakening and have similar symptoms. It is advisable to have persistent symptoms checked by a medical professional to rule out other causes.
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