Poem: Many times I feel alone

Poem: Many times I feel alone

I see that this mainly happens
when that which I desire isn’t given to me
from things on the outside, whether
this is a person, place or thing.

For sure I have the urge to connect
in a profound way with another
but also I can see that most times
I’m the obstacle of my own desire.

When I’m feeling lonely and isolated
then there also opens up a new space
to look at myself and question:
Why is it that I feel this way?

Then I see that I’ve made the choice
to believe my thoughts that I’m alone.
I see how many times I’ve felt like this
choosing to suffer - to feel alive.

Then I see that my prison is self-made
and realize I have another choice:
I can open the bars of my cage and
walk outside and greet the warm sunshine.

Then I know sovereignty - breaking dependency
of my endless desire to find love in the outside.
I see that Love is there for the choosing,
only I have to let go of my thinking head.

When there is nothing left that I desire,
then I feel complete and no longer alone.
I can open my arms and embrace existence
Immersing myself in love.

~ Betsy ~
April 20, 2024

Image is from Osho Zen Tarot Deck, Five of Rainbow, the Outsider

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