Self-Healing & Awareness Forum
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Self-Healing & Awareness Forum
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Topic: Intention (Read 656 times)
Posts: 15
March 21, 2009, 12:18:47 PM »
This is a discussion group of kindred spirits coming together to help each other grow in the medium of this space, by sharing our daily lives and by discussing topics of spiritual awakening and self-healing of ourselves, others and the planet. Members share the common bond of expanding our personal horizon, thus are open to and value diverse viewpoints and welcome the opportunity to do that together. Part of our participation here is to be vigilant to observe our reactions of thoughts & feelings that are provoked while in participation with others and to take into account how our self-expression affects others.
Members will be self-motivated to observe their reactions and look for clues to ascertain patterns that we might be holding onto, which may be holding us back from being more freely flowing and loving beings. All members are considered equal, because of our shared intention of self-change with nobody serving in a superior role. This is not a group for beginners nor for those seeking a guru, but rather is for people who have already taken certain steps and who willing take on responsibility for self-questioning and entering into a healing process.
By sharing with each other we also hope to find new ways to present information we have learned from our experiences, to the outside world, with the hope to help others do the same. Thus, at times the group may work together to investigate various topics or by producing certain items such as books or articles as a conclusion. We realize from past experience that we have a tendency to cling to what is known and this results in our stagnation. This is hard to see in ourselves when it happens, so then our hope is that by group participation we will be able to enlighten each other for positive change. We know we are on a journey, and that our eternal being is our rock in the middle of this changing chaotic outside world. We know that all is evolving and changing, and it's our continual challenge to learn to adapt ourselves to outside changing conditions. We welcome entering into unknown territory.
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=> What is the cause of Disease?
=> What is healing?
=> The Healing Process
=> Changing Beliefs
=> Habits, Addictions & Compulsions
=> Personal Transformation
=> Emotional Control
=> Thinking & Thoughts
=> Symptoms
=> The Pain of Healing
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=> Trust & Independence from Authority
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Spiritual Awakening
=> Steps of Awakening
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=> Essential Communication
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=> What is Personality?
=> Cosmic consciousness
=> General Discussion
Kundalini Awakening & Transformation
=> What is Kundalini?
=> Kundalini Awakening
=> Stages of Kundalini Transformation
=> Signs & Symptoms of Kundalini
=> Kriyas - Spontaneous Movements
=> How is Kundalini Awakened?
=> Your Light Body
=> Help with Kundalini Symptoms
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Healing Our Planet
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Tools For Healing & Transformation
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=> Insomnia Tools
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=> Sungazing
=> Enneagram - Personality Tools
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Healing Testimonials
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Creative Self-Expression
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