My main interest these days, is in alternative health, holistic healing, energy healing methods as well as giving information and tools for rising awareness and self-healing. I am most interested in helping others learn how to self-heal from 'incurable diseases' and to spiritually awaken, so to give tools for self-empowerment.
I have been meditating daily and doing transpersonal and physical healing work for over 15 years, and from this I got a surprising result. In 2005, a spontaneous healing was triggered in my body, which is similar to the phenomena known as: Kundalini Awakening or Kundalini Transformation. In short, my whole body and skeleton is being remade, all is being healed and as it goes, my nervous system is getting more refined and more sensitive which now starts to increase my hearing, eyesight, intuition, etc. My immune system is robust, I don't get sick anymore, and a congenital defect in my skull and skeleton is nearly fully healed. It is not quite done, but I feel the hardest part of it is behind me. As my healing progresses, my energy gets quite high and I find out that I'm becoming quite effective as an agent of hands on and remote energy healing of others.
There is more about my kundalini transformation and spiritual awakening at this link: