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Author Topic: Do people create Gurus because of their need to follow?  (Read 537 times)
Posts: 15

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« on: December 14, 2009, 05:44:43 PM »

Question: Are 'Gurus' created by people because of their need to 'follow'?
Did all those teachers who tried to share their truth, and were seen as 'gurus' & put on a pedestal, consciously accept their role & jointhis game? If they would have clearly told people to look within themselves to find truth & realization, then there wouldn't have been left anybody who would have listened to them. So they went into this role to satisfy their followers who then identified themselves with the teaching & used these concepts to distribute them to the world, feeling confirmed in their mission & so in their existence. On the way the *truth* got lost... How do you see this?

To answer your question short: NO.  I think the energetic form of 'guru' is created by the energy of guru plus the energy of the followers. In other words, a guru would not have been created, unless that person wanted to be a guru, even if it's not obvious to the guru themselves of their hidden desire. Wanting to be a guru and allowing it's creation, to me shows that one is still recreating oneself as a self-image and has not fully stepped out of this game. I don't buy the argument that one can't simply clearly tell people to look within for answers, or there would be nobody left to listen to them.... To this I would ask: Who is it that needs somebody to listen to them? Okay, the answer is someone who needs confirmation for their made up self-image, or how they see themselves as existing.

Can one share one's truth in a pure way, without expecting any 'return' on one's expression? If it seems in one's life, that what rather is happening is people are regurgitating one's teachings, and the truth has been lost, then one must see that it is a failing of one's own way of being or teaching. Accepting personal responsibility and making a change in one's own ways, is creative and growth. More clear: one is acting as a teacher, so then to look honest and see that one must drop one's teaching role -- one's inner need to be a guru.

I think it can be simple, if one keeps one's focus on oneself, of being a critic of oneself, which requires a heck of a lot of honesty and humility, similar to the feeling of going back to kindergarten as a grown up. Like this, one's life revolves around 'dissolving' one's own old conditioned aspects, rather than focusing on what needs to be dissolved in others, and nothing more is needed to satisfy oneself in one's doing. This is because if one is effective at removing one's own barriers and blocks and old aspects that get exposed as 'being there' from daily life encounters -- then one grows, this growing is all the reward and validation one needs. It is the ultimate satisfaction. The more you grow the more one can naturally help others, as more and more there is less old you in the way of expressing ‘pure truth’.

Part of the reason 'truth' gets lost is because it may not have been expressed as pure truth. Truth may have been partly there but was partially 'cloaked', disguised in the mantel and character of one’s own self-expression. Then there is the aspect of the receiver as well, so truth is easily made into one's own creation on both ends of the spectrum.

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