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Sunlight fell upon the wall by Rumi

Neighbor God by Maria Rilke

Tanka: Out of dark... by BeiYin

Brother Sun by Kiara Windrider

Tanka: To Connect with You by Betsy

Tanka: Gazing at the Sun by Betsy

Sunlight fell upon the wall
the wall received a borrowed splendor.
Why set your heart on a piece of earth,
O simple one? Seek out the source
which shines forever.

--Mathnawi, II:708-709
Rumi: Jewels of Remembrance
trans. Camille and Kabir Helminski
Threshold Books, 1996
Persian transliteration courtesy of Yahyá Monastra


Neighbor God

Neighbor God, I disturb you
in the long night with my fierce knocking
because I can hardly hear you breathe,
and I know you're alone in the huge room
and when you're thirsty
there's no one there to offer you a drink.

I'm listening all the time.
Give a small sign.
I'm very close.
Only a thin wall rests between us--
if a cry should rise from your mouth or mine,
the wall would crumble without a sound.

The wall is made of your images.
Your images stand in front of you like titles.
And when the light flares up in me, the light
through which my deepest self knows you,
it pours itself out in gold on your frames.
And then my weakening senses are cut off
from you, and left without a home.

Rainer Maria Rilke
Translated from the German by Annie Boutelle

Tanka: Out of dark...

Out of dark - sun rise
ending those feelings of death -
desperate emptiness.
Letting go old memories
light shines through existence -  now.
Welcome emptiness
worn out tracks left far behind
breathing open space.
Excitement no more needed
being  centered in oneself.
Faded enthusiasm
life of dedication ends
call echoed in vain.
Again turned back to myself
last question still stays open.

Night - lightning - thunder
finally abundant rain
cooling down sad hearts.
Suffering fellow men stay far
can't be reached by poet's word.

Light before sun rise
quietness of uncertainty -
standby creation.
Twilight zone - doubts left behind
rising sun's grace - vanished 'I'.

Presence in silence
freedom - nothing left to loose
ocean's shores are bridged.
Grill's song filling dimensions
no hold of - embracing all.

BeiYin 04.09.03  

Brother Sun

Brother Sun, I asked one day,
Don't you ever tire
Of spinning endless circles across the sky?
Rising, then setting,
Eternal mystery of day and night?
He looked at me then,
Gazing softly into my heart,
Filling me deep with his light.
It is not I that spins through the skies
Creating days and nights, he said.
Here there is only undying light
Of eternal radiance;
All else is your perception.
See me and you shall see yourself,
All shadows are lifted in noonday light.
Once you have seen,
No longer can you be a speck circling around me,
Blowing in the wind,
Separate and alone.
Be the Sun, be undying light;
Yes, be a Sun unto yourself,
And we shall circle,
Always eternally within each other.

 Kiara Windrider   

Tanka: To connect with you  

To connect with you

I have to drop everything

swallowing myself

Twinkling eyes - pulling me in

promising togetherness  

November 22, 2023

Tanka: Gazing at the Sun

Gazing at the sun

setting busy world aside

bird lands on fig tree.

Nature's dance filling senses

time passes in an instant.



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