Tag: silence

Why Is Internal Dialog So Persistent? (Part 4 of 4)

Why Is Internal Dialog So Persistent? (Part 4 of 4): The reason underlying my persistent internal dialog. I found out the answer to my question a few days ago. A friend of mine said he had some tapes, which covered

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Why Is Internal Dialog So Persistent? (Part 3 of 4)

Why Is Internal Dialog So Persistent? (Part 3 of 4): How to Resolve the dialog. I don’t think I was clear enough in my previous articles regarding this subject about what kind of reaction I am observing. To make it

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Why is Internal Dialog so Persistent (Part 2 of 4)

Why is Internal Dialog so Persistent (Part 2 of 4): Why do we engage in Internal Dialogs? There is no doubt for me that these internal dialogs are the arising of the ego. There is also no doubt for me that

Posted in Self-realization Tagged with: , , , , , ,

Tanka: Wavy Blue Cosmos

Tanka: Wavy Blue Cosmos Wavy blue cosmos stars observing other stars sounds pass right through me. Right here the time doesn’t pass existence fills up senses. ~ Betsy ~ December 31, 2023

Posted in Spiritual Poetry, Tanka & Haiku Poems Tagged with: , , , , ,