How to Transform and Heal yourself right now

A Mini-guide to healing


I am still involved in an intense physical work and don’t have much time for anything else, yet I felt it important to at least write the minimum for those who might want to start their healing immediately.

The transformative changes that I am undergoing I believe started because I was receptive to them and because of the awareness level I had already reached due to extensive personal self-work. For those with an openness to try it and a high enough level of awareness I think it would be easy to get the same result, but a warning: the work will not be easy! But I promise you it will be the most rewarding and interesting experience of your lifetime!

I see that the way it works is that a high enough energy level in the physical form will trigger the Central Nervous System (CNS), to start making the changes. This high energy level is mostly due to increased awareness, so there are many evidences of ‘spontaneous movements’ or kriya of serious meditation students. However, most people experiencing kundalini or kriya get addicted to the symptom itself wanting to manifest it for confirmation, and few move beyond the beginnings of movement to get a complete healing or transformation. This has another reason, because later on the physical challenge gets intense, not so much due to one's physical capability, more emotions and fear become an issue. Later on, it can feel like one is dying as physical changes are made - which has to do with one's perception and fear not to do with reality.

The trick needed here is to increase one’s energy level, which can be difficult if one is experiencing health problems. As we age, blocks build up in the body due to tissue, ligament, muscle and bone adhesions as well as emotional trauma and also very important blockages are due to our repeated caricature-like body movements due to our particular personality expressions - and all become lodged in the body. Of course our identification with our thoughts, emotions and belief system are also major energy blocks, and one will need to deal with these first. I still think the practise described below will bring each block to the surface to be healed and dealt with, naturally in the order it needs to be addressed for one's system to gain the maximum amount of energy - awareness. So one doesn't have to decide what to do next, your wisdom can do it for you. All you have to do is surrender - easily said than done! The body will find a new path around the adhesions – you might not even know you have these blocks, but the new pathways won’t be optimal and eventually health problems will lodge into, around and behind the blocked pathways. (Be they mental, emotional or physical) Blockages tend to have a dominoe effect, so health problems accumulate as we age. Blockages reduce one’s overall level of energy so must be removed to increase one’s internal energy level. Given how you don't know where they are or how to remove them, the best is to let your own system do the work for you. There is a simple way you can faciliate this, the first is to believe it's possible, the second to do the exercise as much as possible and the third to boost your energy available for the healing. This is what I describe next. Note that you are energy and you have energy to use through palpitatoin - through the endpoints of your fingers. Your fingers have many nerve endings and are a natural pathway of energy exchange to the other objects - including yourself! When you apply the energy of your fingertips or hands to yourself, you amplify your own energy. It's that simple. Other objects that have clear and strong energetic frequencies can be used by you with the principle of entrainment and resonance. Look these up if you want to know more.

The easiest way I found to amplify one's own energy is with reiki and applying it to the endpoints of the main 12 meridian pathways of the body. A form of Reiki Acupressure. The known accupuncture points and meridians were discovered through individuals feeling their own energy. These points are areas where the energy in the body is easily palpitated and affected through stimulation. This technique injects energy into the body along all the major pathways and your system will use it to make the openings it needs, always working intelligently on the most important ones - always with the goal to 'get more energy' in the 'most efficient manner'. You don’t have to know how to do it. There is little technique. I also used a copper ring of about 12” in diameter, which I held for 15 minutes standing before the reiki session to increase my energy. I found out that the ring acts as an oscillator making the energy generated more forceful in it’s ability to cut through the physical blockages in the body.

Details of Copper Ring I made and use with the Reiki

End view of inside portion of electric utility cable, with 7 packed copper wires. Detail showing how the ring is connected by overlapping and wrapping wire around ends. Completed copper ring, consisting of 7 wires with a single wire wrapped around overlapping ends to hold it together. 12" in diameter.
The end view of the wires from the copper cable. Note how there are 7 of them tightly packed. Detail of how I made the ring by coiling another wire around the overlapped ends. The completed ring, it's around 12" in diameter.

I don’t have time to tell why reiki energy works, suffice it to say that it is a clear frequency that you can tune into and that using it boosts your own energy. You would not have to use any reiki or ring for what I describe next, your own energy would work but slowly, you will get a big boost and quicker results by using these aids. As you progress, each blockage you remove, your energy keeps growing stronger, so subsequent sessions are more effective… By boosting your energetic resonance frequency before you start the acupressure session described below, you start from an amplified position making all the work more effective.

Cho Ku Rei
Se Hei Ki

The Technique: Invoke the above two energetic frequencies. (If you prefer you can get reiki level 1 attunement by a reiki master. Here is a link to a reiki master.)

You can do this simply by visualizing the symbol and having positive intention that you will be able to resonate with that frequency. Then sing the syllables of the symbol, splitting it into 4 syllables (Show, Ku, OO, Ray and Say, Hey, EE, Key) and singing it from your stomach with a full voice. Have Faith! Entrainment works, I don’t have time to explain it now.

Stand holding the copper ring with both hands or if you don’t have a ring put your hands together in prayer fashion. You can also use a strong crystal. Put your focus on feeling the energy between your palms or on the ring or crystal. Your focus should always return to the interface of the energy coming out of your hands or fingertips and the object you are touching. Remember you are not making the energy, trust it's there, just feel it. When thoughts take over, shift back to feeling the energy in your hands. You may want to shift focus outwards to feeling and seeing the energy move through your body. Any focus on feeling the energy is good, as it doesn’t require thought and is a good meditation. Stand for around 15 minutes. As an experiment you might try this first without any reiki symbols, then add one symbol and see if you notice a diffience in your internal energy, then add the other, then both together. There are distinct differences in energy and one can feel the difference between no symbol use, no ring use, chokurei and seheiki. This you might need to do to convince yourself that this indeed works. Do the standing session for around 15 minutes. As you practise you will become more sensitive to feeling energy in objects, inside yourself and in nature as well. You should now be vibrating with the reiki symbols, amplified with one of the techniques described - even if you can't feel it yet, you are.

Next sit down in a position which is comfortable to reach your toes. To start with do each toe in succession for around 5 minutes each. The meridian points on the toes in general are on the outside corner of each toe nail at the base of the nail, sort of kitty corner to the bottom edge. However there are meridians on either side of each nail, so I choose to apply energy to both of them to simplify. Using your index and middle finger put light pressure on the inside and outside corner at the base of the nails of the little toe. Do this on both feet at once. Meditate, feel the energy pulse under your fingertip. If you are on the meridian you will feel it, if not adjust slightly until you can palpitate the energy there. After you feel this connection you can internally watch the meridian energy path - to see how it flows through your body. When the body starts to work on an adhesion you will notice the energy is stopped in that area of your body, you will sense it as a tugging sensation, pulsating, pushing against the blockage. When what was being worked on is cleared you will get a tingling feeling and notice the energy go farther along the path up to the next blockage. Other meridians may open as a reaction later on as well. Feeling energy takes practise, keep doing it, your ability to feel it will grow. Later you will discover areas of larger blockage where the energy works hard to clear. A short cut to increase work on this area is to find a clear meridian point on that area of the body on either side of the blockage and apply pressure to the points there. An interesting fact is that wherever you apply two points of pressure on the body, the work happens between those points. Electricity makes the connection to the shortest path. Everybody knows that. So when you apply pressure to the same meridians on the right and left foot you work that meridian throughout the entire body. One side of your body WILL BE more blocked than the other. Some meridians will be more blocked than others. Each meridian when totally cleared forms a cricle in the body. Let this be your meditation to find your blockages and feel differences. But please remember, you can’t outguess or outsmart the intelligence of your body, it will make the right decisions and in the right order to clear you of blockages. You don’t need to know the details, the how to. In general stick with the suggested workout, you will get the best results. In fact you will only slow it down if you try to be the driver of your healing.

Do each toe for around 5 minutes. Start with the littlest toe, then move on to the second toe, third toe, fourth toe, then the big toe. After the big toe, do the kidney points on the bottom of the soles of the feet. This is the indentation in the middle of the foot just under the soft fleshy pad of the front of the foot. For exact meridian points check out the website: Ying Yang House. Excellent acupuncture and meridian charts!

Later on when you have cleared sufficient blockages, you can do all 5 toes at once, both feet at the same time. To begin it is better to do one meridian at a time, because the energy concentrates only on that meridian. You need more energy to start the clearing. Later when you have more you can disperse it more widely.

After you have finished the feet, then move onto the hands. Do the same thing with your hands a finger at a time. It is difficult to do both hands at once, so what I do is the left hand first then the right hand. I put my thumb under the pad of the finger and two fingers on the endpoints of the base of the nail and hold for around 5 minutes. Start with the pinkie, then ring, then middle, then index, lastly the thumb. Then do the other hand. After both hands are done then press the points in the middle of the palms of your hands, both hands at once. You can do this by laying your hands palms together, hands going in opposite directions and pressing with your middle finger. (The center points of hands and palms of feet concentrate the energy of all meridians and activate the limb.) Let this finish your meditation.

Eventually you will notice that the leg will energetically activate. This will happen first to your left leg. After this you will notice your right leg activate. After this your hips will activate. (All from doing your toes!). After the hips activate then the energy goes up the spine and the shoulder girdle will activate and lastly the arms. After this the skull will activate. When you have progressed far enough with clearing blockages the internal activation of your legs and hips will start to cause spontaneous movements. At this point your meditation should change to include another standing session after the reiki session. Just stand with palms together (your energy will already be very high you don’t have to use any other techniques at this point), relax and move with your body. Be one with your body even it you don’t move -- it takes a lot of surrender to do this. To make it easier to surrender, you can tune into feeling the energy moving in your body, try to focus on a larger path, like the circle that forms along a meridian pathway (you will already know these from previous work). Also you can imagine you are trying to ‘go to sleep’, this will relax your mind. Your body now has enough energy to start working on larger blockages and stretching is the way it will use to clear those out. The spontaneous postures you move through are very yoga like. But you don’t have to develop any routine or exercise postures. Always start with standing and just move as your body dictates, move as one with the growing energy that is pulsating in your body. You don’t need any special physical prowess or any special level of health to begin. You will never be given more than you can take or be taxed more than you have the capability. Your own internal wisdom will heal you if you allow it to, your largest obstacle will be your own resistance to change.

Lastly, if you are doing this, your internal guide will increasingly become more active, giving you hints on any adjustments you might need to make to foster your healing. Pay attention to these messages and act upon them. Trust you are guided in all that you do.



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