Tag: change

Poem: Coming to Life

Coming to Life Bombarded with information from every angle. One part of me says: I want to take a nap. Another part responds: Wake up and smell the roses, this is exactly what you asked for! Energy increases, the more

Posted in Poetry, Spiritual Poetry Tagged with: , , , ,

Life Gives Signs How to Change

Several interesting things happened walking today with my dog. The first is we met Merlin, a boy friend of my dog, where they had time to play with each other. What was different is Merlin was being walked by Martha,

Posted in Changing Our Habits, Sustainability Tagged with: , , , , ,

Cleaning My Space

Quote: “If you completely clean out your house and then put things back in, you definitely know what is important to keep and what is not needed. The pain of cleaning the house helps you discover what things give you

Posted in Changing Our Habits, Self-realization, Sustainability Tagged with: , , , , ,

Knowing Gives Feeling of Security

Knowing Gives Feeling of Security It becomes clearer that the reason we are so drawn to obtaining knowledge is that it gives us the feeling that we know what is happening in the world around us. From our perception of

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Healing is the same as rising awareness

My current theory is healing is the same as increasing awareness level. Healing happens when energy or vibration rises, which for most people some form of healing happens at night while they are resting. As long as vibration in body

Posted in General Healing, Healing Tagged with: , , , , ,

What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger?

Question: Is it true that “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”? What doesn’t kill you”, refers to facing a challenge that is beyond your comfort zone. So to go through an experience which is hard and sometimes painful. The

Posted in General Healing, Healing Tagged with: , , , ,

Is It the Philosopher’s Task to Change the World?

Question: “I observed that the phrase ‘changing the world’ is too general or an exaggeration; or it could be a product of a delusion of grandeur based on the illusion that once a person become a philosopher he has the

Posted in Self-realization Tagged with: , , , , ,

Rocks vs. Humans

I think you missed my point because I don’t see it represented here… I was not saying that you can step outside of the stream of consciousness, I was saying one can step outside of the stream of our programming.

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Why are we strongly affected when we lose something we own?

BeiYin: “Why are we strongly affected when we lose something we own, being that much identified with it? It’s because what had filled them up leaves now an empty space and so a lack of existence. This even happens with

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Poem: My Life is On Hold

Poem: My Life is On Hold My life is on hold desperately seeking key finding frustration. This fake one is relentless doesn’t give up easily. The sun is shining the flowers are opening bird song fills the air. Expression is

Posted in Poetry, Spiritual Poetry Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

Poem: Passing Time…

Poem: Passing Time… A year and a half reversing massive buildup that was choking all. Maniacal abundance receiving just what we need. Endless useless works tending to material that no one will want Orphaned kittens needing love not enough hands

Posted in Poetry, Spiritual Poetry Tagged with: , , , , , , , , ,

Poem: Rocks on the Railway Bed

Rocks on the Railway Bed As I walk along the tracks, I feel the rocks under my feet. I notice how each rock has found a home among all the other rocks. The geometric pattern of the rocks together make

Posted in Poetry, Spiritual Poetry Tagged with: , , , , , ,